Where Ladybugs Roar

Confessions and Passions of a Compulsive Writer

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dearest Husband,

Today isn't a special day. It's a typical Friday and you're up with our kids reading them stories because you're a wonderful father.

It's not an anniversary. Though in another couple months we'll have been together for thirteen years... and that should be unlucky, but I feel lucky because you're a wonderful husband.

I remember the day my sister invited you over and you thought she was interested but it was really me. I remember telling her, "Maybe I'm crazy... but that guy... the guy with the blonde hair. I really like him." I won't say you were my type, because I didn't date guys that were nice, cute, and super intelligent, but you've definitely become my type.

My type is the guy that'll fix a dryer without complaining. My type is the guy that knows me well enough to take the kids away sometimes. My type is the guy that is a good provider for his family even if they're a lot more work than he ever planned on. My type is you.

I loved you from our first kiss and I always will.

I know I'm high maintenance and you've had to learn all my stupid rules to keep us all happy. I know I don't clean as much as I should. I know I'm not perfect. I know you love me despite all that.

Thank you for supporting me when I showed an interest in painting. Thank you for keeping my laptop up and going and helping me with my writing. Thank you, most of all, for always being proud of me. You're the best husband I could have ever dreamed of.

I love you the most,



  1. So sweet and now I'm tearing up. That's the type of guy I like too - I married my guy twelve years ago in a couple of months. So grateful for awesome guys.

  2. That's so sweet, and reminds me of me and my hubs, even though we don't have the kids part yet. Going on 3.5 years :)

    Have a fantastic weekend with your family.

  3. Awwwww.

    Just, awwwwww

    I think it is so important that we remember to tell the significant others in our lives how important they really are. I love you is great, but thank you for all you do is really important too. Good Job.

    Wait a sec, was this just your way of ensuring he reads your blog? If so, that is a pretty sneaky. (LOL)

    Keep up the good work.

  4. Re: What brought this on...

    Last week sucked hard core for the husband. He was putting out fires at home and at work. It was a huge, hairy ball of ugly. For those that don't follow me on Twitter, we got a really nasty email from a neighbor complaining about our dog barking. Then, the dryer broke. The next day, my email--the one I use for all my queries--stopped receiving for no reason. On top of all that... the son was not having a very good week and we had something going on nearly every night with the kids.


    The husband took charge and fixed everything that came his way. He took on the neighbor after trying to calm me down. He had the dryer fixed (broken belt) so quick that I firmly believe it was magic. He switched our email over to a different provider... it took hours. He did more than his share of fathering... and then was still a good husband. He did it all without complaint.

    Meanwhile, I was a huge wreck this whole week. He was nice about that too.

    So, while this embarrassed him... though he said it was sweet... it needed to be recognized that he is truly amazing. Most days are just ordinary for us. We're just ordinary people. Still, there are times that even ordinary people get a chance at an amazing love story based on ordinariness. Most romance novels don't include broken dryer belts, but it was pure poetry when he fixed that. He made what could have been a week of hell into a glimpse of heaven with the right person.

  5. Wow, that marched right past sappy and landed on gooey...but in a good way. ;) Love you guys! Miss you! And hope next week is much, much better.

  6. Aw, this is so sweet! You have a great hubby:)

    My hubby and I will celebrate our 13th anniversary in a few months, too.
