Where Ladybugs Roar

Confessions and Passions of a Compulsive Writer

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I wish I had something terribly articulate to say this morning, but scanning through six pages of pitches and watching so many of them fail.... I honestly didn't want to even look this morning. I had six pages of dread and anticipation sitting in my stomach.

So... my excitement this morning is also partly relief and a rush, but I'm still very excited.

It's also probably tacky and so on to be so excited, but I'm tacky and so on... and I'm wearing pjs with skulls on them so clearly tacky is my realm.

Okay... deep breath. I should really do a good thorough scour of Scorched today... after I'm done dancing around and eating cupcakes.

WOO! Wahooo! Woo!

and more dancing around!!!


  1. Woo Hoo! I'm going to say AWESOME yet again. Congratulations. Has she asked for a full from anyone else?

  2. Wendy that is EXCITING!!!! We always want to hear the good news. Yippee!!

  3. Mine is the tenth manuscript request she has made out of about 175 pitches read so far. She still has about forty pitches left to comment on. Elana has about the same amount left, I believe.

  4. I read through the page and noticed all the "pass" ones. Yikes! But yours was a YES!!! This is so amazing. I'm crossing fingers and toes for you. Squeeeee!!!

  5. Congrats! She's always passed on my queries.

  6. Thanks, everyone.

    Catherine, yeah... I'd watched so many passes on the previous pages, I wasn't holding out much hope.

  7. Wow, congratulations!! Thats brilliant, well done!

  8. I'm so happy to read about the request for a full! Congrats!

    I had a dream last night that I queried before finishing my manuscript. I woke up in a cold sweat.

  9. Congratulations Wendy! That's amazing news!

  10. YAY YAY YAY!!!!!! You are the woman! I'm dancing for you. Eat a dozen cupcakes with extra frosting, you deserve it.

  11. Wow wow wow wow wow!! Totally not tacky to get excited about this! Congratulations!

  12. Wow! That is so incredibly exciting! Congrats!

  13. I'm so happy and thrilled for you!!!! Articulate doesn't factor into this level of excitement!!!! Exclamation points baby!!!! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!

  14. Thanks, everyone!!! I got it sent off this morning. There was that moment of absolute panic after I hit send and it'll be followed by many more panicked minutes, but it's done. Yay. Now, I just have to figure out what to concentrate on now. Hmmm.

  15. Don't forget us little people when you're famous :D

  16. Leprechauns? Course not. You never want to anger the wee folk, Tina. Even I know that. ;)

  17. So cool, Wendy!!! I think I'll go eat a cupcake in your honor..... ;)

  18. And you can't have me gold, so don't even ask.
